Great article from Slate on the vital need for structure and human interaction to use technology effectively. A quote of note:
"Hear Me is now less about the technology and more about the guidance and structure—the “scaffolding,” to borrow a favorite term of educators—that comes from mentors sitting with, listening to, and challenging kids to take their ideas to the next level. As Pachuta says: “Personal interaction makes technology meaningful”—and it also makes the technology secondary.
It’s a lesson that bears repeating as Smart Boards have become ubiquitous in today’s classrooms and school districts, such as Los Angeles Unified, are
spending millions on fleets of new iPads. Technology rollouts can become a waste of time and money if there isn’t adequate focus on the people who will be interacting with students while using the technology. Technology rollouts can become a waste of time and money if there isn’t adequate focus on the people who will be interacting with students while using the technology."