Monday, November 5, 2012

Librarians and Test Scores

Yes, it's true: "Access to a full-time school librarian increases student test scores, closes the achievement gap, and improves writing skills, according to a new study of Pennsylvania public schools..." 

Check out the details in this School Library Journal article, and let us know when we can work with you and your students in some of the following ways:

Would you like your students to use PhotoStory, Google Docs, GoogleEarth, or powerpoint more effectively (such as annotated, non-linear use or Dos and Don’ts) as well as other technology tools?  We will provide class instruction and follow up with individual assistance as needed.

Want your class to create a GoogleEarth LitTrip, or something similar?  We can help them make a meaningful, practical project they and others can use.

Need instruction for your students on web tools like Animoto, Wordle, Wallwisher, Discovery UnitedStreaming, or other web-based tools?  We will teach your class how to use these tools effectively.

Have a topic you want to do something different with?  Let us know and we can provide you with some ideas and resources.

Know exactly what you want to do, but want to know what resources are available?  We can let you know what books, database options, and reliable web sites are available.  We can also instruct your students on how to get the most out of these resources to increase time-on-task, and provide individual assistance as needed while they are working on the project.

Want your students to receive a lesson in evaluating web sites or finding the best, most reliable sites for their project?  We can do that.

How about Digital Literacy and Citizenship?  We can do that as well. 

Would YOU like to know how to use a particular tool mentioned here?  We can show you how. 

Please provide a minimum of 3 days notice for best results.

1 comment:

  1. I would love for someone to come to may freshman homeroom any day next week to talk about computer issues and procedures.
    Bart Murphy 316
