Monday, June 3, 2013

2012-2013 Media Center Summary

Print titles: 15,591
Average Age of Collection:  1997
Discarded Titles: 245
New Materials: 662
Average Weekly Circulation of materials: 295
Average weekly student sign-ins: 626
Total number of classes: 319
Total class collaborations: 115
Magazine subscriptions: 36

Thank you...
To the teachers who collaborated with us
To the teachers who experimented with new lessons and web tools as part of collaboration
To the teachers who asked for resource recommendations
To the teachers who shared ideas and resources
To the teachers who suggested book and DVD purchases
To the teachers who asked questions and made suggestions to address technology and resource issues
To the Counselors for incorporating Laptop Orientation and paperwork into the new student procedures to make it easier for parents and students to get their laptops
To the technology facilitators for contributing their time and experience to laptop deployment and collection procedures
To the students who made book recommendations
To the students who checked out books
To the students who used the media center before, during, and after school in constructive ways
To the students who asked for help while they were in the media center
To the students who helped box up books to make way for carpet installation
To the students who helped with laptop deployment and collection
To the tech staff who helped with laptop deployment and collection
To the support staff who helped with laptop deployment and collection
To the support staff who managed fee recording and payment
To the HR teachers who helped make laptop collection more efficient by verifying and filling out the check-in forms fully
To the Help Desk staff and students for making the 1:1 program work more efficiently
To Mrs. Ray and Mr. Townsend for their patience, suggestions, and support
To the administrators for their leadership and support in so many ways
To the support staff for answering many questions throughout the year
To the central office facilities/maintenance staff for repairing the roof and walls and installing new carpeting this summer
To the custodians for keeping the media center clean and welcoming
To the MTAC for their participation and suggestions throughout the year

Some of our Goals For 2013-2014:
Increase collaboration
Coordinate with Technology Facilitator to make technology integration more efficient
Balance lunchtime access for students and classes
Make it easier for students to be accountable for “lost” laptops
Use new website platform to improve communication of media program with parents, teachers, and students
Create Professional Development opportunities
Continue Blog and Data Wall

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